I always loved spring, although people see it as a season of dust and continuous sickness. I just love it, I always thought of it as a I have seen in the cartoons. It is more like when Belle walks down the town or Alice spend her time in the wonderlands. I actually wait for the spring every year. Probably because of my birthday too. I then just realized that I have never seen the real spring, I have just seen it in the fairy tales or when googling. That was a shock to me I enjoy something totally in my mind, it was never real where I live. I accepted this fact, and am going to see spring somewhere it really exists.
This reminded me of this feeling when you just get to realize that you have been putting so much effort in something. But that thing never turned to be yours or your real dream, Maybe it was just something that you seemed passionate about. Maybe you thought it was worth it?. Maybe you were just mislead. There are many “Maybes” but the most overwhelming part is that you realized and then you need to accept it.
You need just to work yourself through this, to know how you can have a new beginning. To get up changing all your plans and probably find a total new thing to do. That is the hardest part ever, the thing you can never explain to yourself for a long time. It is not even that easy to get up again and decide to break the chain you have been a part of for long..
The thing is that as long as you have a heart that gets excited and can stand up again when it falls. Like the baby when he cries then suddenly gets distracted by another toy. That glory you feel in learning and walking few more miles to discover. The already walked routes are never erased but they are kept in a memory where it gives you what you need on time. All about having the excitement for spring every year and trying to find it around. It is tiring and takes time and a lot of down moments and bitter feelings But it happens, even if it is just about experiencing the joy of something you love.
May you always have the excitement to start again .. May you find your spring and blooming flowers.